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  5. Elena Gronda

Dr. Elena Gronda was born in Bologna on 2 December 1980.

Academic training:

Graduated with 110/110 cum laude in Dentistry from the University of Ferrara in 2005, discussing the thesis “Clinical-statistical evaluation on the correlation between ‘whiplash’ and craniomandibular disorders” supervisor the very clear Prof. S. Catapano.

You passed the State Exam for the qualification to practice the profession in the second session of the academic year. 2005 with a score of 70/70.

She is registered with the Order of Doctors and Dentists of Ferrara at no. 461 of the Register of Dentists.

She was an internal student of the Dentistry Section of the University of Ferrara.

You have attended and collaborated in teaching and research activities at the Department of Dental Prosthetics and Cranio-Mandibular Pathologies (University of Ferrara)..

You have collaborated in teaching and research activities in the field of Dental Prosthetics, Dental Materials and Cranio-Mandibular Disorders.

You attended the department of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics at the University of Ferrara.

You currently work in your own private practice, mainly dealing with Restorative and Endodontics, Prosthetics and Aesthetic Medicine.

Post-graduate non-academic training:

Six-month specialization course in “Clinical Endodontics” with prof. Elio Berutti in Turin (2008).

Annual course in Restorative Dentistry by Dr. Adamo Monari (2009).

Continuous training course of the Italian Academy of Restorative Dentistry (AIC) (2010-11).

Two-year course in Fixed and Removable Prosthetics, on teeth and implants by Dr. Stefano Gracis (2011-12).

‘BEAUTY IN SAFETY’ ANDI aesthetic medicine course (2013).

ACADEMY LITE aesthetic medicine course by Dr. Ezio Costa in (2017).


  • Member of the Italian Society of Endodontics (SIE) (2009)
  • Member of the Italian Academy of Restorative Dentistry (AIC)


Participation in conferences and courses

You participated in the eleventh National Congress of the “College of Teachers of Dentistry” held in Rome in 2004.

You participated in the course “Total prosthesis and implant-prosthesis: aesthetic, functional and geriatric aspects” of Prof. S. Palla held in Castel San Pietro Terme (BO) in 2005.

He participated in the 26th National Congress of the Italian Society of Endodontics held in Rome in 2005.

He participated in the National Congress of the Italian Society of Osseointegration held in Padua in 2006.

He participated in the ITI National Congress in 2006 presenting a poster on immediate loading.

He participated in the National Congress of the Italian Society of Osseointegration held in Assago (MI) in 2007.

He participated in the National Congress of the Italian Society of Osseointegration held in Ferrara in 2008.

He participates every year in the national congress of the Italian Conservatory Academy.



NICOLA MOBILIO, ELENA GRONDA, DEMIS BARBIN, SANTO CATAPANO. Genetically determined pain response in orofacial pain subjects: a critical literature review. Minerva Stomatologica